XIth International Conference on Elastic and Diffractive Scattering
Château de Blois, France, May 15 - 20, 2005


DEADLINE :  October 1st, 2005

General instructions

For Latex users:

Latex instructions
Template Latex file
Latex style file

Number of pages: 4 pages for the talks of 20 minutes and 6 pages for the talks of 30 minutes.

1) Send the manuscript Hardcopy for the proceedings to

   Elizabeth Hautefeuille
    Rencontres de Blois, Blois 2005
    BP 33, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex


 2) Submit the electronic file to the Los Alamos preprint repositery
     Instructions and help can be found here
     Inform us of the submission number to Los Alamos, by sending a mail to both

Basarab Nicolescu and Elizabeth Hautefeuille

     (precise that your proceedings are for the EDS05 Conference)