The preferred option for contributed papers is poster, but time has been set aside for parallel sessions for short oral papers; posters will be put up at the beginning of the conference, and will stay up for the entire week. The poster locale is the same as the locale where coffee and tea breaks are organised, and so can be consulted at any time.
There will be a coffee break in the middle of the morning and afternoon, coupled with the poster sessions; lunch and dinner will be served at the Chateau to all participants in order to enhance opportunities for contact and exchange of ideas. Moreover, the organisers hope that participants stay for the entire meeting, in order to benefit fully from the multidisciplinary nature of the conference.
An approximate programme follows: this will change with time, and you should consult the site regularly. The timing and dating of the sessions is also approximate, and subject to change.
Note that the "Icy satellites workshop" has now been rescheduled for Wednesday afternoon after the coffee break and Thursday afternoon also after the coffee break.
Abstracts for the papers to be read at this conference (invited and contributed, oral and poster) are posted up (in alphabetical order of presenter or author) on this site as they are received (deadline May 17, 2006); they may be consulted by clicking on the abstracts link below:
A list of the titles of proposed contributed papers (oral and poster) which we have received so far, is given, in alphabetical order of author, at the end of the programme which follows; the scheduling of the oral papers will be decided just before the conference - in principle, the oral papers will be presented during the parallel sessions on Wednesday afternoon.
Programme of the main conference
Sunday , May 28tth, afternoon
15h00-19h00: Registration and poster installation
19h00-20h00: Welcome drink in the courtyard of the Château de Blois
20h00-22h00: Dinner at the Château de Blois
09h00 - 10h15: Late registration, poster installation
10h30-10h50: Opening session
Jean Trân Thanh Vân, Director of the Rencontres de Blois
Nicolas Perruchot, Congressman and Mayor of Blois.
Keynote talks
10h50-11h30: Paradoxes and controversies in the origin of life debate: M.-C. Maurel
11h30-12h10: Mars: History and past climate from recent space observations: J.-P. Bibring
12h10-12h50: Exoplanets - what we know : D. Queloz
12h50-14h00: lunch
Preplanetary=>planetary - chair J. Connerney
14h00-14h30 - Models of the preplanetary nebula: C. Dominik
14h30-15h10 - Chemical evolution of the protoplanetary cloud : J. Lunine
15h10-15h50 - Planetary migration in gaseous discs : R. Nelson
15h50-16h30 - coffee break
16h30-16h50 - Models of planet formation with migration and disk evolution - Monte-Carlo approach: Y. Alibert
16h50-17h30 - Late stages in the evolution of the solar system : A. Morbidelli
17h30-17h45 - Formation of RNA-oligonucleotides on mineral surfaces: V. Otroschchenko
evening: guided visit of the Chateau, and dinner
Small bodies in the solar system - chair F. Rocard
08h30-09h00 - Chemical analysis of meteorites - cosmochemistry: M. Gounelle
09h00-09h40 - Deep Impact: excavating comet Tempel 1: O. Groussin
09h40-10h20 - Diversity of comets: the two "reservoirs": J. Crovisier
10h20-11h00 - coffee break
11h00-11h30 - Stellar occultations: probing Titan's and Pluto's atmospheres: B. Sicardy
11h30-12h00 - TNO surface properties: A. Barucci
12h00-12h10 - TNO occultation survey in Taiwan: S.-K. King
12h10-12h40 - Cassini's view of Saturn's rings: C. Ferrari
12h40-14h lunch
Giant planets and their satellites - chair T. Encrenaz
14h00-14h40 - Formation of the giant planets: J. Lissauer
14h40-15h20 - Internal structure of the giant planets: T. Guillot
15h20-16h00 - The chemical composition of the atmospheres of the giantplanets: T. Fouchet
16h00-16h40 - coffee break
16h40-17h20 - The atmosphere of an exoplanet: I. Baraffe
17h20-18h00 - The formation of regular satellites: A. Coradini
18h00- 18h15 - New ideas on the origin of the irregular satellites of Saturn: D. Turrini
18h15-18h55 - Internal structure of the icy satellites: C. Sotin
18h55-19h10 - Jupiter VLBI with LOFAR: A. Nigl
19h10-19h50 - The JUNO mission: S. Bolton
evening dinner
morning: excursion to Clos Lucé
Magneto and ionospheres - chair F. Taylor
13h30-14h15 - Planetary Magnetic Fields: from Plate Tectonics on Mars to the Geysers of Enceladus J. Connerney
14h15-14h45 - Planetary magnetospheric structure: P. Zarka
14h45-15h15 - Planetary magnetospheric dynamics: R. Prangé
15h30 on (note there will be no specific coffee break here; refreshments will be made available and can be taken whenever participants wish):
parallel sessions P1 and P2, and first part of icy satellites workshop W1
evening: dinner followed by:
20h30: talk for the general public (in French), given by A. Coustenis and J.-P. Lebreton, at the "Halle aux Grains"
Special Cassini/Huygens session - chair C. Ferrari
08h30-09h00 - Titan's upper atmosphere, seen by Cassini/INMS : R. Yelle
09h00-09h30 - The atmosphere of Titan: C. Griffith
09h30-09h45 - Titan's chemical composition in the stratosphere: A. Coustenis
09h45-10h00 - Results on Titan Atmosphere Structure from HASI Instrument: M. Fulchignoni
10h00-10h40 -coffee break
11h10-11h40 - The surface of Titan:R. Lorenz
11h40-12h10 - Titan' origin and evolution, midway through Cassini/Huygens: J. Lunine
12h10-12h40 - Astrobiology of Titan : F. Raulin
12h40-14h00 lunch
Icy satellites - chair C. Sotin
14h00-14h30 - Geology of the icy satellites: E. Turtle
14h30-15h00 - Europa: R. Pappalardo
15h00-15h30 - A terrestrial analogue to Europa's salty ocean: the Tirez lake(geological and geochemical aspects): O. Prieto-Ballesteros
15h30-16h00 - Enceladus water vapour plumes : C. Hansen
16h-16h30 coffee break
Terrestrial planets - chair A. Coradini
16h30-17h00 - Origin of the atmospheres of the terrestrial planets: E. Chassefière
17h00-17h40 - Atmospheric escape: F. Leblanc
17h40-18h10 - The Venus Express mission: F. Taylor
Second part of icy satellites workshop, W2: 16h30 on.
evening Conference banquet
Terrestrial planets contd. - chair J.-P. Lebreton
09h00-09h40 - Internal structure of the terrestrial planets:F. Sohl
09h40-10h10 - Rio Tinto as an analogue of Martian mineralogy : R. Amils
10h10-10h20 - On the Scale Problem in Planetary Exploration and How it can Distort our Views of Mars: B. Clark
10h20-10h50 coffee break
Biological aspects - chair F. Westall
10h50-11h20 - Prebiotic chemistry: the astronomer's point of view: D. Despois
11h20-11h50 - Laboratory studies of organic material under simulated martian conditions: I. Tan Kate
11h50-12h20 - Tiréz Lake: biological aspects of Europa's ocean - terrestrial analogue: F. Gomez
11h20-12h50 - Gaia revisited: the interplay between climate and life on the early Earth: J. Kasting
12h50-14h00 lunch
Life elsewhere - chair F. Westall
14h00-14h30 - Habitable zones in planetary systems: F. Selsis
14h30-15h00 - The prospect of alien life in exotic forms on other worlds : D. Schulze-Makuch
15h00 Final comments, goodbye, and departure
Parallel Sessions: Wednesday, after aftenoon coffee break
Session P1 (120m total) : chair: E. Grün
part 1: Ionospheres and magnetospheres
Thermospheric dynamics at Jupiter and Saturn: C. Smith (15m)
Study of the Io-Jupiter interaction via radio observations and numerical simulations: S. Hess (15m)
Cometary Charge Exchange Aurorae from Solar Wind Helium Ions: D. Bodewits (15m)
part 2: Comets and small bodies
Space Weather at 9P/Tempel 1: Chandra observations during the Deep Impact campaign:
D. Bodewits (15m)
Mineralogical correlation between HED meteorites and V-type asteroids: R. Duffard (15m)
PAHs in Comets: A. Li (15m)
Evolution of depressions on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: role of ice metamorphism
K. Kossacki (15m)
Resonance occupancy in the transneptunian region: dynamical properties and implications: S. Lykawka (15m)
Session P2: (125m total): chair: M. Fulchignoni
part 1: Exoplanets and planetary origins
Towards a general theory of planet formation: G. Wuchterl (20m)
Protoplanetary dynamics: dynamical modes: B. Pecnik (15m)
Formation of habitable terrestrial planets: constraints on stellar mass and giant planet orbits: S. Raymond (15m)
The first Super-Earth discovered: planet's radius, internal structure and thermal state: D. Valencia (15m)
part 2: satellites of the giant planets
Global Spectral Diversity of Titan's Surface: J. Barnes (15m)
Titan's Surface - illumination and reflection function: U. Keller (15m)
Evidence for nitrogen-bearing molecules in Titan's upper atmosphere: V. Vuitton (15m)
The short term stability of Methane on Titan with a circulation model: P. Rannou (15m)
Programme for the Icy Satellites Workshop - note that the scheduling is still subject to change
W1 Wednesday afternoon, from 15h30, at same time as parallel sessions (170m total) - chair: R. Pappalardo
Recent Results, New Approaches, Hypotheses, Riddles, and "Way to Go?" in the Geophysics of Outer Planet Satellites: D. Matson (20m)
Technology Challenges and Mission Architecture Options for the In-Situ Exploration of Icy Satellites: T. Balint (20m)
Topographic models of the icy Saturn satellites: B. Giese (20m)
Onset of convection in the mid-sized satellites of Saturn: C. Sotin (15m)
Polar Caps on Titan? R. Brown (15m)
On the Tidal Evolution of Titan: H. Hussman (15m)
Sub-Surface Oceans on Mid-Sized Icy Satellites and Large TNO's: F. Sohl (15m)
Specific energy of Impact Disruption of the small bodies of the Solar System: Leliwa-Kopystynski (15m)
Impact break up of small bodies of the Solar System: Leliwa-Kopystynski (15m)
Experimental studies of ices under extreme conditions: A necessary approach for understanding icy moons: O. Grasset (20m)
W2 Thursday afternoon, after coffee break, at same time as the terrestrial planets session (110m total)
Discovery of a Dynamic Atmosphere at Enceladus from Cassini Magnetometer Observations: M. Dougherty (20m)
Heat generation by tidal friction within Enceladus' heterogeneous interior: G. Tobie (15m)
Numerical Simulations of Thermal Convection in the Ice Shells of Enceladus and Titan: G. Mitri (15m)
Diapir-induced reorientation of Enceladus: R. Pappalardo (15m)
The Search for Power in the Saturnian System: J. Castillo (15m)
Composition of volatiles which formed Titan and Enceladus: D. Gautier (15m)
Iapetus, Phoebe and Hyperion: are they related? F. Tosi (15m)
Titles of papers to be presented in parallel sessions, or as posters, or in the "Icy satellites worshop", in alphabetical order of first author or presenter (full lists of authors are given with the abstracts)
P1: parallel session P1; P2: parallel session P2
W1: icy satellites workshop 1; W2: icy satellites workshop 2
T. Balint
Technology Challenges and Mission Architecture Options for the In-Situ Exploration of Icy Satellites: (oral, invited W1)
J. Barnes
Global Spectral Diversity of Titan's Surface (oral, P2)
U. Beckman
Saturnian stream particles: origin and dynamics inside Saturn's magnetosphere (poster)
D. Bodewits:
1)Cometary Charge Exchange Aurorae from Solar Wind Helium Iions (oral, P1)
2)Space Weather at 9P/Tempel 1: Chandra observations during the Deep Impact campaign (oral, P1)
B. Bonfond
Study of the Io footprint short timescale variability (poster)
G. Borisov
R. Brown
Polar Caps on Titan? (invited, for W1)
M. T. Capria
High resolution spectroscopy with SARG at TNG (La Palma) before and after the Deep Impact event (poster)
J. Castillo:
The Search for Power in the Saturnian System (invited, for W2)
S. Chatterjee:
Planet-planet scattering in systems with multiple Jupiters (poster)
C. Chavero:
Metallicity evolution in young stars (poster)
J. Couetdic
Combining radial velocities and dynamical study to constrain extrasolar planets orbital elements (poster)
M. Dougherty
Discovery of a Dynamic Atmosphere at Enceladus from Cassini Magnetometer Observations (oral, invited W2)
E. Dubini
R. Duffard:
1) Mineralogical correlation between HED meteorites and V-type asteroids. (oral, P1)
2) Vesta Mineralogy with the Framing Camera onboard DAWN (poster)
T. Encrenaz
A study of the Martian atmosphere using OMEGA/Mars Express and IR ground-based measurements (poster)
J. Fortney
Model Atmospheres and Infrared Spectra of Hot Jupiters (poster)
M. Fulchignoni
Results on Titan Atmosphere Structure from HASI Instrument (oral, P2)
D. Gautier
Composition of volatiles which formed Titan and Enceladus (oral, W2)
B. Giese:
Topographic models of the icy Saturn satellites (oral, invited W1)
O. Grasset
Experimental studies of ices under extreme conditions: A necessary approach for understanding icy moons (oral, invited W1)
P.-G. Gu
Formation of Hot Neptunes from Hot Jupiters due to Tidal Stripping (poster)
S. Hess
Study of the Io-Jupiter interaction via radio observations and numerical simulations (oral, P1)
H. Hussmann
On the Tidal Evolution of Titan (oral, W1)
M. Ikoma
On the nebular origin of water on terrestrial planets (poster)
A. Jäckel
Neutral Gas and Ion Measurements with the Reflectron-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer ROSINA-RTOF (poster)
R. Kallenbach
Nitrogen isotopes as tracers of planetary formation processes (poster)
U. Keller
1)Titan's Surface - illumination and reflection function (oral, P2)
2)Scattering Properties of Large Monomer Clusters (poster)
S.-K. King
TNO occultation survey in Taiwan (oral)
G. Kochemasov
Ubiquitous tectonic dichotomy of celestial bodies (poster)
C. Kolb
Evidence for volcanic fluid - rock interaction as derived from the chemical variability at the surface of Mars (poster)
K. Kossacki
Evolution of depressions on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: role of ice metamorphism (oral, P1)
L. Lamy
Studies of Saturn's auroral Kilometric Radiation (poster)
B. Langlais
Latest stages of the magnetic dynamo on Mars (poster)
J. Leliwa-Kopystynski:
1)Specific energy of Impact Disruption of the small bodies of the Solar System (oral, invited W1)
2)Impact break up of small bodies of the Solar System (oral, W1)
B. Levrard
Glaciers, ice mantling and polar caps on Mars: An astronomically-based scenario for the Amazonian climate variations and geology (poster)
A. Li:
1. PAHs in Comets (oral, P1)
2. PAHs in protoplanetary and debris dust disks (poster)
3. Cometary Dust Production Rates (poster)
S. Lykawka
Resonance occupancy in the transneptunian region: dynamical properties and implications (oral, P1)
D. Matson
Recent Results, New Approaches, Hypotheses, Riddles, and "Way to Go?" in the Geophysics of Outer Planet Satellites: (oral, invited W1)
A. Migliorini
On the surface properties of Saturn's icy moons derived with the Cassini/CIRS instrument (poster)
G. Mitri
1)Hydrocarbon lakes on Titan (poster)
2)Numerical Simulations of Thermal Convection in the Ice Shells of Enceladus and Titan (oral, W2)
K. Nourredine
Transformation parameters computing between geodetic systems WGS84 and CLARKE1880 (poster)
R. Pappalardo
Diapir-induced reorientation of Enceladus (oral, W2)
B. Pecknik
Protoplanetary dynamics: dynamical modes (oral P2 and poster)
F. Pont:
Transiting exoplanet: observational status in 2006 (poster)
R. Prangé
Occurrence between an interplanetary shock an the FUV cusp emission on Jupiter (poster)
P. Rannou
1)The short term stability of Methane on Titan with a circulation model (oral, P2)
2)SPICAM on Mars-Express: Overview of the scientific results (poster)
S. Raymond
Formation of habitable terrestrial planets: constraints on stellar mass and giant planet orbits (oral, P2)
M. Rubin
Development of a Low Energy Ion Source for ROSINA Ion Mode Calibration (poster)
C. Smith:
1. Thermospheric dynamics at Jupiter and Saturn (oral, P1)
2. Is the `effective conductivity' a useful parameter? (poster)
F. Sohl
Sub-Surface Oceans on Mid-Sized Icy Satellites and Large TNO's (oral, W1)
C. Sotin
1)Cassini/VIMS observations of Titan : geological implications (poster)
2)Onset of convection in the mid-sized satellites of Saturn (oral, W1)
B. Stracke
Influence of increased biogenic N2O sources upon the Chemistry of other Biomarkers in the Atmospheres of Earthlike Planets (poster)
On the Properties of Planet-host Stars: ~1,000 Stars from the SPOCS Catalog (poster)
R. Thissen:
A nw experimental approach to collect reaction rates of interest in Titan ionosphere (poster)
G. Tobie
Heat generation by tidal friction within Enceladus' heterogeneous interior (oral, W2)
F. Tosi
Iapetus, Phoebe and Hyperion: are they related? (oral W2)
D. Valencia
The first Super-Earth discovered: planet's radius, internal structure and thermal state (oral, P2)
V. Vuitton
Evidence for nitrogen-bearing molecules in Titan's upper atmosphere (oral, P2)
G. Wuchterl
Towards a general theory of planet formation (oral, P2):
(1)The origin and nature of GQ Lupi b
(2)Predicting COROT's Planetary Population