XVIIIèmes Rencontres de Blois

Planetary Science: challenges and discoveries

May 28 - June 2, 2006, Blois

Invited, submitted and poster papers

Abstract submission guidelines

deadline for submission: April 15, 2006

All speakers giving papers (invited, submitted or poster), are asked to fill in an abstract submission form, as detailed below.

As currently planned, all oral sessions will be plenary. However, if there is too much demand for submitted papers, parallel sessions can and will be organised.

Abstract submission is electronic; please stick to the guidelines below, as this will lighten ou load in the preparation of an "abstracts book". If for some reason on line submission does not work in your case, you should email your abstract directly to:


including the word "abstract2006" in the "subject" line.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Guidelines for abstract submission

  • Type all the authors' names one after the other, separated by commas.
  • Type the Institute names in the same way.
  • Use LATEX conventions for equations, mathematical symbols etc.; do not send postscript, encoded files or compressed files, as this will make your contribution unreadable - we do not have the manpower to manually decode and reinsert texts.
  • Do not separate your abstract into chapters, sections etc; the abstract should be one unit (but it may of course contain several paragraphs). Other than that, formatting will be done automatically.
  • Do not include figures in the abstract.
  • Please limit your abstract to 750 characters; some network systems cannot handle longer segments sent via an on line form such as this one, in which case your contribution will be truncated by the system without telling you.

    The system will confirm reception of your form; it will show what has been sent, and you will see your text prepared for LATEX processing; be aware that there will be extra characters which you did not type yourself. This is normal.

    When you see the confirmation, you may rest assured that your form was sent successfully; you can then exit your browser. If something went wrong, instead of the confirmation, you will be informed immediately that the form could not be written. You may try again immediately (by backstepping on your browser) or later.

    Roll down menus in the form will enable you to select the category and subject of your abstract; please use these menus, as this will help us to rapidly group abstracts. If your subject does not obviously correspond to anything in the rull down menu, use the subject "other"; we will then do the classification ourselves.