Thursday 1st

Morning session: Non perturbative QCD  
  Chairman : Boris Ioffe
  Non perturbative structure of Gauge Theories : Nicholas Warner
  Hadron properties from non perturbative methods in QCD: Olivier Pene
  Chairman : Yehuda Eisenberg
  Non perturbative frontiers in perturbative QCD : Alfred Mueller
  Low x physics and Diffraction : John Dainton
Afternoon sessions : Heavy ion collisions  
  Chairman : Larry McLerran
  Experimental evidence for Quark Gluon Plasma : Peter Sonderegger
  The QCD phases and heavy ion collisions : Edward Shuryak
Parallel sessions
  PS1.3 : Non perturbative QCD
  PS2 : Heavy Flavours
  PS3.2 : Electroweak Precision Measurements
  PS4.2 : New Particle Searches
  PS5 : Cosmology and Unified theories
PS6.2 : Neutrinos, Particle Astrophysics