Scientific Program Committee
- Étienne Augé, Orsay Univ., France
- David Berge, DESY Zeuthen and Humboldt University, Germany
- Jodi Cooley, SMU, Dallas, USA
- Jacques Dumarchez, LPNHE, France
- Daniel Froidevaux, CERN, Switzerland and MEPhI, Russia
- Silvia Galli, IAP, France
- Massimiliano Grazzini, University of Zurich, Switzerland
- Christophe Grojean, DESY Hamburg and Humboldt University, Germany (Chair)
- Eligio Lisi, INFN Bari, Italy
- Marumi Kado, University of Rome 1, Italy and IJC Lab Orsay, France
- Thomas Lohse, Humboldt Univ., Germany
- Sotiris Loucatos, Irfu-CEA and APC, France
- Jim Olsen, Princeton University, USA
- Silvia Pascoli, Univ. of Durham, UK
- Bolek Pietrzyk, LAPP, Annecy, France
- Dorothea Samtleben, NIKHEF , Amsterdam
and Leiden University, Netherlands
- Chung-I Tan, Brown University, USA
- Jean Trân Thanh Vân, Orsay Univ., France and ICISE Quy Nhon, Vietnam