35th Rencontres de Blois
Instructions to the authors
We intend to publish the proceedings of the Rencontres de Blois
as soon as possible (in early 2025).
Essentially the page limit is:
- 8 pages for plenary talks (25'+5')
- 4 pages for parallel session talks (17'+3')
The deadline for sending the manuscripts is: January 15th, 2025
The speakers have to use the following 2 files to prepare the written version
of their talk under Latex:
blois.tex (containing the publisher's instruction: it can be used as
a template).
and blois.cls (the style file).
They can be downloaded as a
tar file.
The result can be visualised on
The speakers should send all files (.tex .eps and .pdf or .ps)
possibly as a .tar.gz file - compressed tar -
Jacques Dumarchez.
Jacques Dumarchez Last modified: Oct 09 16:24:06 MET