Parallel Session 2 |
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Cygnus X-3 Flaring activity during 10 years of observations and new galactic binary 2129+47XR
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Probing cosmic ray acceleration through molecular clouds in the vicinity of supernova remnants
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Diffusion of Cosmic Ray nuclei in the Galaxy and antiproton, gamma-ray and neutrino secondary production
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Statistical acceleration and Spectral Energy
Distribution in Blazars
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Multi-messenger astronomy with Centaurus A
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Recent observations of Active Galactic Nuclei with H.E.S.S.
16:00 |
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Coffee Break
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Probing Quantum Gravity with the exceptional VHE flares of PKS-2155-304 in July 2006 by H.E.S.S.
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Gamma-Ray Bursts, Lorentz Invariance Violation
and different cosmological models
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POLAR: a novel instrument for linear polarization measurement of the gamma-ray bursts prompt emission
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A search for astrophysical point sources of neutrino with high mountain SHALON mirror Cherenkov telescope